Tips For Cycling In The Wind
The UK is a windy place to head out cycling, especially on higher ground - near where our bike shop is in North Yorkshire. There are some advantages of living in such a windy place, mainly the fact that it’s good for renewable energy! Riding in the wind however can be a pretty miserable experience, which can verge on dangerous in some riding and weather conditions. Whilst mountain bikers typically have an easier time of it in the wind, having some of their routes in wood blocks and forestry - road cyclists are the ones who suffer from riding in the wind, the most. In this post, we look at some of the things that you can do to stay safe and even enjoy, windy days.
Avoid The Wind Entirely
If the wind is blowing a gale, you don’t have to go out on the bike - if you have other means of training. Indoor trainers, excersise bikes and turbo trainers have all skyrocketed in popularity in recent years - with more interactive ways to record workouts and to train. Avoiding the windiest days is a wise move on some days, where wind can blow you around to the point of being dangerous, on the bike - especially on days where the wind direction is changeable, blowing and gusting you and your bike in different directions.
Consider Wind Direction
We would advise riding into a headwind on your way out, and then benefitting from a tail wind on your return journey. This allows you to get the maximum benefit from wind direction when at your most tired, at the end of your ride. It's definitely worth avoiding high ground and routes if you can, and it's also well worth avoiding busy routes - so if the wind does wobble you - you are not being blown amongst traffic.
Expect to suffer under increased wind speed when passing things which shelter the road from the wind, such as dry stone walls and hedges - when these boundaries stop, wind will find a way through.
Other Weather
It's worth remembering that high wind speeds, equal changeable weather. Wind blows clouds and weather systems all over the place, so you can be in sunshine one minute and torrential rain the next. Remember to pack suitable cycling clothing for all weather conditions you can encounter, waterproof cycling clothing is always a good thing to carry, and thanks to compact designs, waterproof cycling jackets are compact and easy to travel with.
Stay Aerodynamic
Aerodynamic riding positions are important in everyday riding, but are extra important when riding in windy conditions. When there is a strong wind, keep your body tucked up into the most aerodynamic riding position possible - minimising the effect of the wind on your body. It's aso a good idea to bring out the lycra, and wear tight fitting cycling clothing - avoiding baggy cycling clothing which blows about in the wind.
If you are riding with other riders, tuck in behind their slipstream and find comfort in the wind blocking properties of riding within a group.
Avoid Deep Section Wheels
Deep section wheels may be rapid in many weather conditions, but they will struggle in crosswinds - to the point of having a dangerous effect on your ride.
Do Not Analyze Your Ride
99.9% of the time, riding in windy conditions will always slow you down. Do not worry about your pace and speed - just embrace the ride and enjoy the fitness benefits.