Mountain Biking Health Benefits

Mountain Biking is incredibly popular in the UK, with riders typically using a mix of trail centres and open-access countryside across England, Scotland & Wales, which combines many riding conditions and miles to explore. Although it’s well known that any form of exercise is good for mental and physical health. In this post, we look at the benefits of riding a mountain bike in greater detail.

Healthier Heart

The British Medical Journal concluded that riding a bike for 20 miles a week reduced the chance of getting heart disease by 50%. As well as the cardiovascular benefits of cycling, cycling works all major muscle groups that require oxygen, meaning the heart has to work steadily and benefit from improved fitness levels.

Full Body Workout

Although it’s obvious that mountain biking builds strong legs, it actually provides a full body workout, strengthening the upper body as well as the lower body.

Get Your Eight Hours!

Cycling & exercise reduces the levels of Cortisols in our bodies, which is the hormone which prevents us from having a restful sleep. Although adrenaline fuelled rides late at night, can have the opposite effect and keep you awake!

Low Impact

Cycling is a low-impact activity, meaning it places less stress on your joints than on many other activities, such as running. This makes exercise more comfortable and reduces the risk of injury.

Greater Immune System

Taking moderate exercise (which includes mountain biking) strengthens the immune system, and studies have shown that sick rates half when subjects cycle for just half an hour, five days a week.

Less Stress And Better Mood

Vigorous exercise is one of the best ways to release endorphins, which make you feel good. Exercise, including mountain biking, also increases the body's levels of serotonin, which is an important factor in reducing depression as well as anxiety. Focus during riding a mountain bike, especially singletrack - can also be a form of meditation.

Boosted Brain Power

A study by the university of Illinois found that a 5% improvement in cardio respiratory fitness, equates to a 15% improvement on mental tests. This is due to excersise increasing the number of brain cells in the area of the brain responsible for memory.

Better Balance

Unlike stepping on a cross trainer with four points of contact, cycling is a sports activity in the real world - that improves balance and coordination. Keeping a good sense of balance is incredibly important as the years roll on.