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Cyclocross And Gravel
Bike Power Meters

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Gravel Bikes & Cyclocross Bikes are an ever expanding arena of cycling - and for good reason, gravel bikes are great fun, and can even remind us old timers of the earliest mountain bikes that we rode, with rigid forks.

Many road riders are switching or at least including gravel riding in their training, so it makes sense that power meters, popular with road cyclists - are increasingly popular and common with gravel bikes and gravel riders.

Power Meters suit cyclocross and gravel bikes because of the sustained effort that it takes to ride one, there’s plenty of pedalling power put down - and although gravel bikes can be used off road - they are more often than not used on smoother, off road terrain which a power meter can handle well.

These power meters are great for gravel riders looking to examine when they come off the power through fatigue, something particularly useful for cyclocross competitors also. Gravel Bike Power meters also provide all of the usual power meter benefits, allowing the rider to tailor workouts and routines to maximise performance and potential.

The most popular gravel bike power meters we supply are Crank Power Meters, but pedal power meters from brands such as Garmin, are a popular choice. You can view our complete range of cyclocross/gravel power meters above, and as always - if you have any questions about the best product for your needs, please get in touch.