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Cycling Gifts
For Colleagues


Glueless Patch Kit


There’s so many different times and occasions when you need to find the perfect gift for a colleague, essentially - someone who you may not know all that well. The trick for getting the right gift for a colleague is to avoid all of the usual, and predictable presents and gifts - such as luxury pens, and on the cheaper end of the scale - novelty mugs.

Instead, it’s well worth taking a little bit of time to think about that person's hobbies - and if you hear them talking about mountain biking, or even see them cycling into work, then you have plenty of ammunition to get them the perfect gift that they will appreciate.

Depending upon budget, there’s a mass of different gifts available. The amount spent will of course depending upon the occasion and how much the business has decided to spend, or how many colleagues are chipping in different amounts. Typically, when a colleague is celebrating a work anniversary, the business will stump up the amount for the gift - but for big birthdays or occasions such as secret santa, it’s usually down to the colleagues to fund the gift.

Below, we have included some of the very best gifts for cycling colleagues - encompassing everything from fuel and energy bars, right across to clothing, components and the trusty gift voucher!