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Volume Bikes

BMX Half Link Chain - 1/2x1/8"


At Westbrook Cycles, we are proud of our range of Bike Chains - which we have handpicked from the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of bicycle transmission systems. We give our collection of bike chains a lot of attention for good reason, without a chain any bike is not going far - it’s the key link that connects the drivetrain of a bike to the rear hub which propels the bike forward. Every pedal moves the bike chain, which in turn drives the rear wheel - making the chain the most important component in making forward progress.

Most bike chains can be classified as roller chains, with each part of the chain holding a cylindrical roller - held together by links. The gaps in between the rollers sit in between the teeth on the rear transmission, propelling the bike forward when pedalled. A range of chain materials are available, depending upon budget and requirement - with most bike chains being made from steel for maximum strength and reliability.

The exact chain you need, depends on the type of bike that you are riding - with mountain bike chains, road bike chains and BMX chains all differing in design and function. An 11 speed bike for example, requires a thinner chain than a 9 speed bike, on account of the chain needing to fit in between the different gears on the rear cassette.

As well as supplying chains to customers looking to upgrade the chain on their bike, we also supply chains to customers who require a new chain. It’s important to note that all bike chains have a finite lifespan - with the chain on a bike being massively prone to wear and tear, as gears are changed. Once a chain begins to become worn, it quickly stretches - meaning that gear changes are often missed, with the chain disengaging from the rear cassette. Although some cyclists measure their chain, repairing it when it stretches - many cyclists simply choose to replace the old stretched chain with a new chain.

Below, we run through some of the most popular types of chains that we supply to our customers online.

Mountain Bike Chains are not surprisingly some of the most popular types of chain that we supply. The most important thing to bear in mind when replacing your mountain bike chain, is the number of gears on the cassette of your bike - as this dictates the width of the chain you require. Different chain brands are loosely compatible without too many issues. 

BMX Chains are another popular type of chain that we supply, and are quite easy to specify - with standard widths and lengths available. One of the main differences with BMX chains is the choice between traditional styles of chains, and more modern half link chains more popular with custom BMX builds.

Road Bike Chains are of course, another popular option with our customers. The key for road bike chains is to provide maximum energy transfer between pedals and the cassette and transmission of the bike - making the ride as easy as possible. Again, it’s important to consider chain length and width - according to the specifications of your road bike.

You can view our full range of bike chains above, and if you have any questions at all about which chain is best for your bike and your requirements - please do just get in touch and we will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Alongside selling a complete range of bike chains, we also supply all of the cleaning equipment and chain lube that is needed to keep them perfectly operational and in the best condition.