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Commuting to work on a bike is a challenge for many - as well as requiring plenty of willpower, commuters will also need the right clothing and equipment for all weather conditions. The correct commuter cycling clothing will allow the rider to turn up to work, safely, comfortable, dry and ready to start the day. Failure to choose the right clothing and equipment will see the rider turn up to work either soaked in sweat, or soaked thanks to a downfall of rain. The right clothing for commuters is breathable, waterproof and windproof - protecting the body from extremes of temperature, as well as from the weather.

For those commuting in and out of work however, there are many benefits - as well as increased fitness, you will also earn the grudging admiration of your colleagues - and the workout cycle home is the perfect way to forget about the stresses and strains of the working day.

What clothing you require, will also depend on your commute. If you are cycling just a couple of miles, across relatively easy flat terrain - then if you add a cycling jacket, gloves and a helmet into the mix - you will more than likely be ready to commute all year round. If you commute a longer distance, encompassing suburban and country roads - you will need to commute out of your work clothes - bike specific clothes are required for comfort. Choosing reflective clothing can also help other road users see you.

Padded shorts are essential for longer commuters, much in the same way that you would always wear them on a recreational ride on a weekend - you should wear them during the week to avoid soreness. Base layers are also an important choice, and key in allowing you to turn up to work dry and comfortable. Merino wool is often the best choice, and it’s good at controlling odours - very important if your workplace does not have shower facilities.

During warmer weather, and on short commuters - a cycling vest over your office clothing will often suffice - providing high visibility safety and extra warmth and protection for your body, in case the weather does catch you out. In winter, cycling trousers and cycling jackets are key, providing warmth and protection.

Again, if you are commuting longer distances and carrying belongings to work, encompassing everything from car keys to laptops - look into commuter luggage and backpacks to make your cycle into work as easy and efficient as possible.